Friends of Victoria Park
Friday, September 15, 2006
Thoughts on two newspaper articles concerning Glasgow parks - Victoria and Ruchill
Beware the statement "We have a unique opportunity" That's how the idea, to turn Victoria Park pitches, into a car park was framed.
Here we are again, it's part of the old one two. What do you want in your parks - Well heres what your going to get.
People don't grudge young folk having a good time enjoying bands and stuff. It's where it happens that is the problem - who makes the profit and - who pays for the maintenance of the aftermath. Oh and lets not forget the residents who's park events are held in.
Well did anyone ask the residents around Victoria park.
So the pitches that couldn't be turned into a car park - can be out of service for a month while they are "put back to normal". Not counting the time they were out of bounds to residents when the actual festival was on and the preparation. Where does £5,000 go these days for a months maintenance work and the inconvenience of park users. In the other article we are asked to "Call for views on park future" concerning Ruchill Park. Ruchhill is an amazing piece of green land that needs a few toilets, a couple of parkies here and there and then to let people get on with enjoying the open space. Ask them and thats what they will tell you!
What does this mean
"Ruchill Park is a great local resource. I'm sure the public will have their own opinion of the kind of facilities they would like to see in the park. It certainly has the potential to become an even bigger asset to the community by providing something everyone can enjoy,"
I am sure that the public do have an opinion, but will it be listened to, "kind of facilities" That doesn't mean toilets and swings. "bigger asset to the community" usually means "bigger asset to the business community" That means putting on festivals that take up your park space, and give nothing to the local community as the food and drink are all served behind the fence. Or worse Turning toilets (which are needed that have been closed for years) into bistros and poverty pimping "Fair Trade" outlets.
Festival leaves pitches muddy mess (West End Mail)
Broomhill Community Sports Club has been left with nowhere to train after football pitches at Victoria Park were damaged following the Indian Summer music festival. 5000 revellers turned the pitches, which are used by three girls football teams, seven West End school football teams, four boys youth teams and a running club, into a muddy mess. Club Secretary, Stephen Prince, said: "Victoria Park is vital to the well being of the sports club and its members. These pitches are used by range of young people for football matches on Saturdays and Sundays, including Girls Football, School Football and young people with disabilities. "It's also used by ordinary Glaswegians who want to have the run of a bit of grass. What's happened here is vandalism.
"The organisers and the City Council must have known what an event of this size would do to a fragile grass surface. "My concern is we have been told unofficially that the grass will need reseeded and that this will put the pitches out of action for the entire season. I would guess the organisers will have left some money to cover the repair of the land. However this money will not cover the true cost of literally hundreds of children being denied their right to participate in sport in their local park. "Whoever agreed to the concert taking place did not consider the impact on ordinary citizens." Stephen's view was shared by Jordanhill resident Cathy Steed, who lives near Victoria Park. "I have no problem with the Indian Summer festival but organisers should have left the park the way they found it. It looks a mess. They have left lots of children disappointed." However another local resident John McArthur disagreed. "The festival had to be held somewhere and everyone who attended had a good time. It is a shame about the mess but I'm sure the pitches will be ready to use soon."
Glasgow City Council confirmed festival organisers left £5000 to aid the repair of the football pitches and said that they should not be out of action for any longer than one month. "With every major event in city parks, it is anticipated remedial work may be necessary and event organisers contribute to the costs involved," said a council spokesman. "As with events on Glasgow Green or other parks, we move quickly to carry out such work with minimal disruption to the public."
Call for views on park future
(West End Mail)
GLASGOW City Council's Land Services department are currently carrying out a community consultation exercise to find out what local people would like to see happen within Ruchill park. The survey asks what they think is good and bad about the park, what could be done to encourage people to visit Ruchill more regularly, and what changes would make the park more enjoyable. Councillor Aileen Colleran, Executive Member for Parks and Facilities believes residents and community groups will be eager to have a say on the parks future develop-ment.
"Ruchill Park is a great local resource. I'm sure the public will have their own opinion of the kind of facilities they would like to see in the park. It certainly has the potential to become an even bigger asset to the community by providing something everyone can enjoy," she said. The findings of the consultation exercise will form part of Land Services' ongoing parks development plans. Kenny Boyle, the Council's Head of Parks, says it's essential that local people and park users opinions are made known. "The more people who get involved and tell us what they want from their park the clearer the picture we'll have of how we can improve it," he said.
"We have a unique opportunity to look at how Ruchill Park can be developed to meet community needs over the forthcoming years. This exercise is a means of finding out what these needs are." The survey can be completed online at or by calling 287 3907 or 946 3269. Copies of the survey are also available at the park depot entrance.
13 sep 06
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