Friends of Victoria Park

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Victory for Friends over car park farce.

No Cars For The Park!
Re: The rejection of the idea to build a big stupid car park in a public park, which at the public consultation was described by the councillor as a "a win win situation".

Letter from Councillor Jean McFadden CBE JP

Dear Resident
This letter is addressed to all those who lodged objections to the proposed redevelopment of Scotstoun Leisure Centre. I am trying to cover all the issues raised, so you may find that some matters are covered which you did not personally raise.
I have had a series of meetings with the Directors of Cultural & Leisure Services (CLS) and Land Services (LS) and the councillors from the neighbouring wards and the latest position is as follows:1. CLS officials have reason to believe that the Scottish Rugby Union have exaggerated the number of spectators who attend Rugby matches. After doing some research, they have concluded that the average number is more likely to be around 1500 rather than 3500. If this is the case, the number of parking places required could be reduced. They propose that a new Traffic Impact Assessment should be carried out on this basis They believe that the redeveiopment could cope with a reduction in the number of proposed additional parking places. By extending parking westward within the stadium, they can accommodate an additional 290 vehicles. In addition, they propose that the car park at St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School can be used to accommodate additional vehicles and match officials and possibly teams can be directed to use these spaces.

Thus there should be no need to provide parking places on a regular basis in Victoria Park and plans to develop the blaes pitch for parting will be dropped.

2. To protect the amenity of residents in the avenues near the Leisure Centre, the Director of Land Services proposes to promote an Occasional Traffic Regulation Order - but only if residents are in favour This would mean that on the days/evenings when major spectator events are on at the stadium, parking in the avenues wouid be restricted to residents only. Residents would be issued with permits, free of charge, and the parking restrictions will be enforced by parking attendants

A Traffic Regulation Order requires consultation to be carried out, but in advance of the statutory consultation, I will arrange for an informal consultation to be carried out by way of a public meeting and/or a postal survey.

3.I have asked CLS to investigate the possibility of having CCTV installed at the entrance to the Leisure Centre to try to reduce disorder and vandalism in the Centre and the surrounding avenues.

4. We will investigate the possibility of First Bus routing a bus into the stadium

5. The height of the stadium will be reduced to lessen overshadowing the allotments

6. We will continue to pressurise SPTE to develop a new railway station at Jordanhill

The likely timetable of events is:

1. Carry out a new Traffic Impact Assessment. This should take 2 to 3 months.

2. Carry out voluntary consultation on the proposed Occasional Traffic Regulation Order

3. Advertise and promote the Traffic Regulation Order.

4. Investigate installation of CCTV at Leisure Centre.

I hope you find this information useful. If you have further concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully


Councillor Jean McFadden CBE JP
Convener: Strathclyde Joint Police Board and Chair: Labour Group
Phone 0141 287 4054
Fax 0141 287 4173
24 May 2006


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